What is The Davis Academy Beit Midrash?
Once a month all Middle School Jewish Studies classes suspend their regular curriculum to engage in a day of shared learning. The type of learning that happens in DABM is what Jews call, Torah Lishma ("learning for its own sake"). It's not uncommon for teachers to come and join in a DABM during one of their planning periods so that they too can participate in the unique culture of learning that is created at a DABM. We've been doing these for years but are only now beginning to understand the true power and potential inherent in the idea of The Davis Academy Beit Midrash.
Today we had our first Beit Midrash of the year. We took as our theme the idea of spiritual reflection. As the Hebrew month of Elul approaches Jewish tradition begs us to look inward, to think about the landscape of our heart, mind, and soul. This is difficult and important work.
Here at Davis we draw inspiration from a series of reflective prompts known as #BlogElul. Today we used #BlogElul as a framework for our individual and communal reflection. Here's a smattering of the writing that was done today, selected virtually at random. As you read these comments take a moment to consider that they were written by middle school students. If you're not completely inspired then you're not paying attention!!!!
"Be. Be yourself. Be kind. Be peaceful. Be thoughtful. Be the one to take action. Be part of a community. Be the one to lend a helping hand. Be wise. Be righteous. Just be."
"Act as if every second of the day has meaning."
"How can we give if we have never received? What do we give? Who do we give to? Where do we give? When do we give? How do we know if it's the correct place? What does "give" mean" It doesn't matter... JUST GIVE."
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Be the person you're telling yourself to be. Be thoughtful and make the right decisions. Be respectful to others and make everyone feel good. Be awesome."
"Every day we learn something new. It is not a day until you learn."
"See the change you want to make. Dare to do it, and then do it."
"Remember that everything is temporary. Pain,joy, life, the world... Make everything count. Forgive, forget, love, and live life to the fullest."
"Do. Do what is best for you. Do what is best for others. Do what you feel is right. Do things to help. Do what needs to be done without asking. Do everything you can to make the world a better place. Do mitzvot on behalf of yourself, others, and to God."
"Listen and really hear what people have to say. Think about what you have heard after you hear it."
"Remember every person you know or knew. Never forget."
"In the month of Elul. I want to learn. I want to learn how to be a better person, a better athlele, a better artist, a better brother/son/family member, and overall, a person that is fun to hang out with. I would like to improve on everything I know and do so that I will be a better person in general."
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