Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sensing the Divine

Inside each of us is a theologian. Whether that theologian is full of wonder, doubt, awe, uncertainty, curiosity, faith, or some blend of these and more is part of the joy of discovering who we are and what we believe. Of of the goals of the Davis Academy's tefilah (Jewish prayer) program is to create a safe space for children to explore their inner theologian. Below are two beautiful examples of what happens when children are given the time and space to do this spiritual and religious reflection. Zoe Gordon and Henry Reizenson's thoughts and drawings (shared with their parents' permission) each convey, in their own way, an emerging awareness of a life where God can be experienced through nature, through relationships, through food, and through moral and ethical norms. Seeing the easy way in which they envision divinity fills me with hope that kind, compassionate, and thoughtful people of all backgrounds and religions can contribute to the broader conversation about God and religion in the world today. 

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