Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pura Vida

 Pura Vida, Tamarindo, Costa Rica, 5/21/24

Pura Vida means thank you.
Pura Vida means you’re welcome. 

Pura Vida means please. 

It means puhlease. 


Pura Vida means oh well. 

Pura Vida means I’m over it. 

Pura Vida means “stuff” happens. 

It means it’s good to see you. 


Pura Vida means I guess that trashcan is overflowing. 

Pura Vida means this is delicious. 

Pura Vida means I’m happy for you.
It means we’re in this together. 


Pura Vida means welcome home. 

Pura Vida means go with the flow. 

Pura Vida means heard. 

It means it means it wasn’t meant to be. 


Pura Vida means you win some and you lose some. 

Pura Vida means what’s the point in keeping score. 

Pura Vida means look on the bright side. 

It means the darkest hour comes before the dawn. 


Pura Vida means don’t cut off your nose to spite your face. 

Pura Vida means be more like a sloth sometimes. 

Pura Vida means iguanas are entitled to a decent meal too. 

It means even when you put on lots of sunscreen you might still get burned. 

Pura Vida means it’s a dream come true. 

Pura Vida means when a door closes a window opens. 

Pura Vida means don’t sweat the small stuff. 

It means there’s no such thing as small stuff, or big stuff, or medium sized stuff. 


Pura Vida means my heart is full. 

Pura Vida means I get it now. 

Pura Vida means peace. 

It means love. 


Sometimes when a phrase means so many different things, it ends up meaning nothing. Sometimes when a phrase means so many different things, it retains all of its meanings and more. Similarly, sometimes a school trip is just a school trip. And sometimes a school trip is a seal. Sometimes it’s a celebration. Sometimes it's a healing. Sometimes it’s a blessing. Sometimes it’s an affirmation of life and hope and beauty and goodness. Sometimes it’s a statement of purpose. Sometimes it’s a gift the meaning and value of which may only become apparent with the passing of time. Sometimes it’s a way of saying we love you, we honor you, we believe in you, and we can’t wait to watch you create the kind of world that we wish that we could give to you, the world that you deserve. 

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