Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Davis Academy Beit Midrash in the News

We were all so happy to learn that our recent Davis Academy Beit Midrash that featured a TED Talk caught the eye of the people at the TED organization. Click anywhere on this paragraph to go to an article that was written about our Beit Midrash and features pictures of our students engaged in this exciting learning. 

The Davis Academy Beit Midrash, now in its 6th year, is a time when our entire Middle School student body engages in a shared learning experience. During the monthly Beit Midrash the normal Jewish Studies curriculum is put on hold to enable students to engage in a Torah Lishma activity ("learning for the sake of learning"). Among the many goals of the Beit Midrash (lovingly referred to as DABM for short) is to build community through shared study. On a DABM day students know that everyone they encounter (including many of our faculty) have all had a shared learning experience. This knowledge opens channels of communication between students from different grades and strengthens our Kehillah. 

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