Friday, December 11, 2015

Am Yisrael Chai-- Kabbalat HaSiddur 2015

Kabbalat HaSiddur, when Davis Academy 2nd grade students receive their first siddurim, is one of the most joyous days of the year for our school Kehillah. Looking at the pictures below, can you see the pride, the happiness, the appreciation on our children's faces? Over the course of the morning there were countless beautiful and authentic moments as families made remarks or read the inscriptions inside their siddurim out loud to their children. There were more than a few tears, but they were certainly tears of joy. One grandparent noticed how fully present and engaged her granddaughter was. What a blessing that there are moments in our lives that are so profoundly compelling that we have no choice but to be in the moment! Another grandparent asked how anyone could not want their own family to participate in experiences like, experiences that Davis families enjoy in great abundance. One of our teachers remarked, "Am Yisrael Chai" ("The Jewish People lives on"). Not only will the Jewish people live on, but we are raising up passionate and knowledgeable leaders who carry the Jewish people and the world to new heights. Mazal tov 2nd grade students and families. And mazal tov to us all! 

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