Thursday, April 7, 2016

Listening to the Soul

When educators make it a priority to create time and space for kids to reflect on their hearts, minds, souls, and spirits, the results can be truly inspiring. Recently I had a chance to facilitate a creative writing T'filah with 3rd graders. I asked them to listen carefully and see if their soul was trying to send them a message. As I sifted through the responses there were many that warmed my heart. It turns out that 3rd graders seem to think that their souls are telling them to be good people, to appreciate what they have, to celebrate their talents and pursue their passions. Jack Baylin's response, reproduced here with his parents' permission, stopped me in my tracks. I know that even years from now his message will warm my heart and inspire me. If you are reading this post, please share a comment. What do you think Jack's soul meant when it told him, "Draw your life with colors"??? I want to thank Jack for such a beautiful and thought provoking response.

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