Friday, December 12, 2014

Kabbalat HaSiddur-- The Ties that Bind

Today I had the privilege of officiating at my 7th Kabbalat HaSiddur ceremony at The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy. To say that it was a moving experience for all involved is truly an understatement. Many Jewish day schools have Siddur ceremonies wherein young children (1st or 2nd grade) receive their first Jewish prayer books. The Davis Academy's Kabbalat HaSiddur ceremony is a celebration of life, Judaism, and the values that we try to live by as a school community.

Older students helping younger students follow the words of prayer.

As human beings we are privy to moments of holiness each and every day. For the most part we unconsciously choose not to acknowledge these moments. We overlook them, focusing instead on the mundane, the necessary, the to-do list. Kabbalat HaSiddur is a communal experience that places holiness front and center for an entire community. Parents, grandparents, siblings, and teachers gather in sacred community to witness the moment when each child receives his/her siddur along with a beautiful cover and special message written by their parents. Tears are just as likely to be shed when it's someone else's turn to present as when it's your own turn. The siddur is the vehicle, the occasion, the tablet upon which our parents express some of their deepest spiritual and emotional sentiments. It is truly overwhelming.

The joyful celebration that follows is icing on the cake and it is truly remarkable to witness Davis Academy 2nd graders holding their very own siddurim and filled with pride, joy, and a sense of spiritual nourishment.

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